Important Driving Test Tip

Here is a simple but very important driving test tip for anyone taking a practical car assessmnt at the DSA centre in Mill Hill NW7 London.

Make sure you have your full driving licence with you! Just today I saw someone get refused a test because they only had their Photocard ID and theory test pass certificate with them.

The DSA examiner will want to see both parts of your licence before they step out of the waiting room. The counterpart is more important than your test pass cerificate, as most examiners do not ask for it (at least here in Mill Hill) but they always insist on your driving licence paper counterpart.

Do not waste your money, if you have misplaced the paper counterpart, reschedule the test and order a new one from the DVLA.

Driving Test Advice Video

If you need more tips or advice on passing the driving test at Mill Hill, check out the instructor video on the right.