Yesterday someone was unable to take their driving test at the Mill Hill Test centre due to simple fault with the car that was to be used.
During the Show Me Tell Me part before the actual driving began, the DSA examiner requested the candidate to use the vehicle's wipers to clean the windsreen with some water as there was some dirt on it.
The learner driver could operate the wipers, but no water was coming out. After a few tries, the examiner got out and called the driving instructor to come over and see if he could sort out the problem. The instructor got some bottled water out of the boot thinking that the washer reservoir had run dry, filled it and tried operating the wipers again. Both the front and rear wipers were moving, but there was no water or cleaning fluid anywhere. It was more than 5 minutes now, and the examiner said that the test would have to be terminated with a loss of the booking fee because the vehicle did not fully meet the DSA requirements since it could be dangerous if the driver could not clean the windscreen if it was splashed with mud or any other type of dirt during the driving test.
Now while you might say the candidate did not actually fail the test itself, the car needs to meet some specific requirements, and the instructor might not have been familiar with how strict the Mill Hill examiners (not being local), but that was a £62 fee gone less than 10 minutes into the appointment.
My instructor video contains a lot of information that will help you avoid incidents like these, plus other tips to help you succeed at your next attempt taking the driving test in Mill Hill NW London. I can also provide a hire vehicle for the driving test in NW London if you are not sure your car meets the DSA requirements. Call me Now to see if it is available.
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