Booking Driving Test at Mill Hill

There are 2 main ways of booking a driving test at Mill Hill, but before you do so, I advice you watch the video below:

If you are taking your test in Mill Hill, you need to watch the video below:

1. The preferred way is via the DSA online booking system. You can do this at anytime between 6am and Midnight.
You will need your driving licence and theory test certificate numbers as well as the driving test fee.

2. If you don't have internet access you can book your driving test by phone using the following number: 0300 200 1122.

There is also the option of applying by post, but not a lot of people use it, so I will not mention it.

If you are taking your driving test at Mill Hill NW7 London in a Toyota Yaris, here is a free video to help you with your parallel parking exercise.

You need to be aware of weekend driving tests at Mill Hill information, and DO NOT book your driving test at 8.10am in the morning.

Important! Keep your DSA appointment confirmation letter or email as it contains the contact phone number for the test centre which you will need in case of bad weather (fog, ice, snow).